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The happy couple |
If you happen to be reincarnated as a baby animal on a farm, should such a thing be possible, then I hope you are born female. This gives you a better chance that you will be allowed to live for a few years assuming that you have no problems with your reproductive organs or milk glands. It’s only the very very luckiest of the males who are plucked from the slaughter-cycle to become, not to put too fine a point on it, a sex machine.
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Spot the ram? |
At Pilsdon for instance, all our animals are either female adults or adolescents. Five ewes, four Jersey cows (though we need to sell the eldest, Angelica, as we can only need three milking cows really). The cow’s offspring live about two years before going to the abattoir - at the moment we have three big ones born last year and three smaller calves from this year. The sow Chuckles sadly died after giving birth but we’ll select one of her many piglets to become our next sow. Our thirty chickens are female for their egg-laying ability. Only amongst the ducks do we make an exception, with one drake amongst the six Indian Runners, and last week we accepted two new “Jemima Puddleduck” Aylesbury white ducks, one male and one female. Although the incomers share the same duck pond and coop with the Indian Runners, they are definitely not making friends.
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There he is |
Pilsdon has currently on hire one ram and one bull. Bringing a ram in amongst the sheep is the accepted way of getting them pregnant and this ugly pitbull of a ram is mostly doing his duty although he seems to have neglected one of the five. We can tell which sheep he’s “tupped” because he wears a blue necklace which leaves a mark on the back of the ewe. The females only let him do so when they’re ready for it which is on a strict 17 day fertility cycle, so we make sure to leave him in there long enough for two cycles in case he doesn’t get round to all of them the first time around.
But having a bull on site to serve the cows is unprecedented. Normally we pay a vet to put a glove on and insert some semen into the cow at the proper time. This should be pretty failsafe but the last few tries have been unsuccessful with all three cows for some reason, leading Pilsdon to resort to hiring this mighty Hereford bull. If this doesn’t work it is a big problem for us because the cows’ milk will dry up eventually if they’re not having calves.
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On top of Pilsdon Pen, our nearby hill |
Daffodil, Snowdrop and Angelica have all been out in the field with the bull and we believe he’s had sex with them all. No blue necklace for him but we look for telltale muddy marks on the sides of the cow. The poor dears have never seen a bull before. The bull seemed surprised when the cows tried to mount him from behind, as they do to each other when they’re “bulling” at the point in their 3 week cycle that they want sex. We’ve brought the bull inside now as he was churning the field into a mudbath, and his quarters are right next to the cows so they can at least make small talk across the wall. The idea is to keep him long enough to have another crack at all of them, just to make sure. I’m sure they’ll be sorry to see him go.
A short video of Pilsdon's new sewage processing unit! Just what you've all been clamouring for